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Please Use Communion Cards

Willene collects and records the information from our communion registration cards and would like to remind the congregation to fill out the cards, located in the card racks on the backs of the pews. We’re required to keep a record of church members’ participation in communion and to submit records as part of our annual parish report to the denomination. According to our constitution, active membership status and eligibility to vote at congregational meetings are also determined by the written communion record. While you don’t need to fill out a card every time you commune, it’s much easier for us to keep track of weekly communion participation if you do.

Don’t Forget Your Offerings!

The church’s expenses continue even when our activities are restricted by the pandemic, and giving offerings to the Lord is part of our discipleship at all times. You can continue to make regular offerings when you’re not in church to put a gift in the collection plate. Here are some ways to do it:


• You can give by credit card at, by clicking on the “More” tab and then on

“Donations/Offerings.” (Or you can enter the secure credit card donation link yourself, by typing


• You can download the GivePlus Church app for your smartphone, to give through Vanco Payments. You can create a GivePlus account, or donate as a guest


• You can give by text at 833-768-7535.


• You can send offerings by postal mail. (For more secure delivery, address your mail to P.O. Box 1852, Dalton, GA 30722, rather than to the church street address.)


• You can give by phone, by calling the client services number at Vanco (800.675.7430

Worship volunteers still needed

We have resumed scheduling volunteer worship assistants for each quarter, and are rebuilding our roster of volunteers. If you’d like to have your name added to the list of ushers, readers, prayer leaders, or communion assistants, please let Clyf Tom know( We will be adding
acolytes to the schedule soon.
There is a special need for volunteers to operate the video camera and monitor the internet connection for our live streamed worship services. Right now, only two people are providing that service, and we need four or more so we can put them on a rotating schedule. Please let Clyf or Pastor Rossing know if you can help with this ministry.

Onlive Giving for 2024

This is just a reminder that you can make your giving commitment for next year online, using this link: Christ the King Lutheran Church 2024 online giving commitment

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